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Waste & Hazardous Waste Management
Welcome lesson (1:28)
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What is "waste"? (1:32)
The basis of waste legislation (2:53)
Introduction summary (0:44)
The "Duty of Care"
Section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act (1:42)
Licence to carry
Site authorisations
The waste hierarchy (1:16)
Duty of care summary (0:36)
Duty of care quiz
Waste documentation
Waste documentation (2:03)
Waste codes (1:01)
Choosing the correct EWC Code (3:23)
Waste transfer (duty of care) notes
Waste documentation summary (0:43)
Hazardous waste classification
Introducing WM3
How to classify waste using WM3 (12:06)
Classification exercise
Hazardous waste properties: HP code assessment (4:44)
Using the Databases: The C&L Inventory and HSE MCL
Hazardous waste classification examples
What if hazardous waste is also dangerous goods?
Hazardous waste documentation (6:37)
Consignee returns
Hazardous waste summary
Documentation retention periods
Your legal obligations
Waste storage
Your legal obligations
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